• Take me to the aisle with the pre-baby bodies please…

    To get right to it, I think I pulled a muscle in my back today. Smh. I was hanging out with my little one earlier and have no idea what happened. I was getting ready to take her to a different room in my house, and so I bent over to pick her up like normal. Now, I could see she was sitting at an interesting angle, but I picked her up without adjusting her position, because I mean duh, I’m a superhero. Sigh. Unfortunately, while I had all the will to carry her, as soon as I leaned into the task, I felt the muscles in my back disobey…

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  • I don’t know what I’m doing…*insert nervous laugh*

    Soooo, this blog is my way of trying to remember to dream. To matter to me. To pursue stuff. To create. In the midst of this giganormous undertaking called motherhood. Plus, I think I’m funny. A hoot actually, and I think you’ll enjoy my ponderings. Lol Context: I had my first biological child (I have a beautiful bonus baby, and that’s another post, for another day) a few months ago. And I literally had no idea what motherhood, vulnerability, fear, mortality, joy was before her. Motherhood be like, lol, me cursing myself out because I flushed the toilet too loud. Or, forgetting to set myself up for success when I…